Proudly presenting the grey members of our family:
LUNA (left) and PISI (right).
Although they look almost identical (it's a pattern in our family, isn't it?),
they have nothing in common excepting us and our home:
LUNA, also called Nebuna (The Crazy) is very curious and very active.
She learned from the dog downstairs to jump on knob and open the doors.
She plays with all (forbidden) objects in our home and she's not afraid of anything.
She enjoys very much playing with our dog all day long.
PISI, also called Grasa (The Fat) is very kind, loving and inactive.
She sleeps all day long and her goal in life is to eat as much as possible.
She hates our dog (as much as she can hate somebody because
she doesn't spend much energy on hating or any other feeling or activity).
She complaints every time she has to do anything else but eating or sleeping.